About Raseeen

A company specialized in trucks and heavy machinery, and we deal with factories directly, to provide the customer with the best quality and the cheapest price, and we follow up the order from the start of its manufacture in the factory until its arrival in the destination country

The Process

Our Process

The purchase process takes place directly from the Sino factory in China, where we order truck specifications according to the popular specifications in the country ((or according to customer specifications or requests))


The purchase process takes place by making a contract between the two parties ((the company – the buyer)).


An amount of 30% is paid in advance before manufacturing, to ensure the seriousness of the buyer, and this is one of the requirements of the factory in China, and the remaining 70% is paid after the end of manufacturing and before shipping begins.

First payment 30%

During this period, we follow up with the customer on the date of the latest factory updates from the date of start of manufacturing and how long does the manufacturing period take.

Manufacturing Time

After manufacturing, enough pictures of the goods are sent ((chassis number,…)) and they are thoroughly examined before shipment


After confirming the quality and authenticity of the product, the customer pays the remaining 70% of the amount due to start shipping procedures

Second payment 70%

Clear pictures of the vehicles are sent at the port of departure and when they are loaded onto the ship

Loaded into the Ship

Send the bill of lading and the rest of the documents such as ((packing list, commercial invoice))

Bill of lading

The second party (the buyer) is required to pay from (5% to 7%), according to the agreement, of the purchase value to the first party as a return service.

Last Payment

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